Our object with HiPAC is to work locally for the time being and may expand later depending on the money we have. There is no point in trying to be national unless we are able to donate substantial amount of money, which we don’t have now. We may be able to influence little bit locally with the money we have here.

We will definitely be donating money to both the parties since we don;t know who is going to win. It is purely non-partisan. I will arrange a meeting some time this week for the people interested in learning more and support. Unfortunately, because of the nature of the PAC, we can’t put many things in writing since people can forward our messages to outside group and that can land us in hot water, even though we are not doing anything illegally.

Unfortunately, talking about Hinduism is becoming a crime in US also based on the experience AAPWW had. But, i can guarantee that everything will be transparent and feel free to call me any time if you have any questions. I will keep you posted. Thank you very much. Hoping to get your blessing on this humble endeavor.