Hindus Of Georgia (aka HiPAC) is an independent, non-partisan political action committee for the Hindu American community of Georgia. HiPAC’s mission is to identify and support local, state and federal candidates who are committed to religious freedom, civil and human rights, and other Hindu American interests. HiPAC is committed to building a strong, effective, and respected Hindu-American voice in Georgia and across the country.

What are our objectives?

  • Protect and promote the religious liberty and civil rights of Hindu Americans.
  • Educate the candidates on the issues and concerns of the Hindu community such as
    • Hinduphobia
    • Portrayal of Hinduism in school text books
    • Hate crimes against Hindu places of worship
    • Bullying in schools for holding Hindu beliefs
  • Educate the candidates and other elected officials on various India-related activities
  • Promote other policies impacting the broader interests of Hindu Americans.

What kind of candidates does HiPAC consider endorsing?

HiPAC will offer support to candidates (irrespective of political party) who will join us to

  • Condemn all acts of hatred, prejudice, bias, Hinduphobia and bigotry targeted against  Hindus, especially when it is brought to the attention of the candidate and take remedial measures when elected to office
  • Promote and support policies and actions that will foster better relations between Georgia and  India, especially in areas of trade and commerce
  • Offer support to India to manage her own territorial integrity
  • Endorse, support and initiate legislative measures intended to effectively combat terrorism, persecution and discrimination that impacts Hindus worldwide
  • Support all efforts to implement fair and equitable treatment of the culture, beliefs, customs, practices and history of Hindus in public educational institutions
  • Support fair and equal treatment of Hindus, on par with all other religious communities in all  areas of civic and political life
  • Provide equal opportunities to Hindus to participate in political campaigns and the political process, including  appointments to Boards, Commissions and Task forces
  • Support all measures to combat racism and bigotry in America
  • Be part of Hindu cultural celebrations and collaborate and foster friendship between elected officials and Hindu American communities